Jesień i zima to czas, w którym wielu z nas zapomina o aktywności fizycznej. To wielki błąd! Szczególnie teraz trzeba zadbać o swoje ciało, aby móc cieszyć się piękną i zdrową sylwetką przez kolejny rok.
Autumn and a winter is the time int the year when manu of us forget about physical activity. It’s a big mistake! It’s necessary to do some sport if we want have a beautiful and healthy figure for the whole year. Remember that now more then in summer we need to boost our energy and control our weight! So keep on moving!
1. Raising legs in lying on the floor in frontLie on the mat on your stomach. Rest your head on crossed hands. Spread your legs wide apart and lift them as high as you can. Stop your legs at the highest point for two to three seconds and return to the starting position. Exercise repeat 15 times.
2. Hips liftingLie on the mat on your back. Bend your legs in your knees, place your feet flat on the ground. Spread them to the shoulder width. From this position lift your hips. Remember to tighten the muscles of the body and buttocks. Keep position for 3 seconds. Return to the starting position. Repeat the series of exercises 15 times.
3. Pulling the knees to the elbowLie on the mat on your back. Put your hands under your head, bend your legs in your knees and bend at a 45-degree angle. The feet should touch the ground. Pull the knees alternately to the elbow. At the same time bend your legs and turn your torso. When you take your shoulders off the ground, flex your spine into an arch, and your straight leg can not touch the ground. Exercise repeat 15 times.