Gotowanie może być przyjemne! Nie potrzebne są nam super umiejętności kulinarne. Wystarczy dobry sprzęt kuchenny, ekologiczne składniki i pyszne, zdrowe dania gotowe!
sok z cytryny do miseczki, dodaje curry, wrzucam krewetki, dodaję
czosnek i sól. (Nie trzeba dodawać soli do gotowania na
parze, bo para uwalnia sól zawartą w jedzeniu). Całość mieszam i odstawiam
na chwilę. Wkładam do kolejnego pojemnika.
zrobić to danie z ryżem to moczymy ryż przez noc (moczenie ryżu
pozbywa go arsenu – szkodliwego pierwiastka.
maszynę Morphy Richards na 4 odpowiednie programy, czas gotowania jest ustawiany
automatycznie. Ja dopasowuję program do odpowiedniego jedzenia. I
zrobione! W między czasie mogę odejść od kuchni I popracować.
Czekam na sygnał kiedy będzie gotowe.
i to jak go przygotowuję możecie zobaczyć na moim kanale na Youtube.
Serdecznie zapraszam. Poznacie kilka fajnych trików żywieniowych:)
Cooking can be pleasant! We do not need great culinary skills. All you need is good kitchen equipment, organic ingredients and delicious, healthy dishes ready!
love discovering new flavors, I love when my taste buds are crazy 🙂 In
the kitchen I also use a lot of gadgets, which often make life easier
for us. They shorten the time we spend in the kitchen, and the hours we get are worth using for exercise and taking care of your figure.
Some time ago I also decided to limit frying and start cooking more. Initially, I was thinking about a pot that would allow me to prepare several things at once. This
is how my kitchen has a special Morphy Richards pot, thanks to which I
can cook several ingredients at the same time saving time. In addition, I use less oil, and the cooked ingredients are richer in vitamins and minerals. A bomb for me!
Every day I try to eat vegan, but from time to time I also eat seafood and fish. Today I wanted to share with you a recipe for a full-blown meal – Protein Beauty Bowl. This dish consists of several elements – cousins, quinoa, chickpeas and asparagus.
To prepare the Beauty Bowl Protein you will need:
1/4 glass of onion1 clove of garlic
1 teaspoon of chili, ground cumin, turmeric, garam masala
a pinch of cinnamon and cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon of salt (optional)
1 tablespoon of olive oil (optional)
1/2 jar of organic chick peas
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and put in a Morphy Richards steamed cooking container.
In the following, we prepare delicious shrimps. Will be needed:
10-15 multiplied shrimps
1 clove of garlic
1/2 cistine juice
pinch of salt (optional)
Garlic is squeezed through the press and put away for 10 minutes. I pour the frozen shrimps in warm water to freeze them faster. I squeeze lemon juice into a bowl, add curry, drop shrimps, add garlic and salt. (You do not need salt for steam cooking, because steam releases the salt contained in the food). Mix everything and leave it for a moment. I put it in another container.
Only 50 grams will be needed to prepare quinoa. I rinse it several times in cold water to get rid of the bitter taste and pour it into the container. If you want to make a dish with rice, soak rice overnight (soaking rice will get rid of arsenic – a harmful element.
Asparagus – 5 to 8 pieces rinse and break off the tips, put in a container and pour over the remaining shrimp sauce. I set the Morphy Richards machine for 4 suitable programs, the cooking time is set automatically. I match the program to the right food. And done! In the meantime, I can leave the kitchen and work. I am waiting for a signal when it’s ready.
Bon Appetit!