Dieta dr Dąbrowskiej to świetny sposób na oczyszczenie organizmu, pozbycie się niechcianych toksyn i przywrócenie wewnętrznej równowagi. Choć z początku poczuć się można gorzej to po kilku dniach czuć przypływ pozytywnej energii!
etap diety warzywno-owocowej dr Dąbrowskiej powinien trwać 10 nawet do 40 dni. Zalecana dawka kalorii każdego dnia to tylko 600, którą dostarcza się jedząc niskoskorbiowe warzywa jak marchew, buraki, rzodkiew, kalafior, brokuły, ogórki, pomidory czy paprykę. Trzeba też obok warzyw jest niskocukrowe owoce jak jabłka, grejpfruty czy jagody. Warzywa powinno się jeść surowe najlepiej w formie soków, surówek czy sałatek. Nie wolno zapominać o wypiciu 2-3 litrów płynów – wody, koktajli warzywno-owocowych, herbat ziołowych, soków.
Dr Dąbrowska’s diet is a great way to cleanse the body, get rid of unwanted toxins and restore internal balance. Although you may feel worse from the post office, after a few days you will feel a surge of positive energy!
first of these is a therapeutic hunger strike, which can last from a
few to several days – after a few days I started to feel the effects of
hunger strike :). The second stage is a diet based on low-processed products, vegetables, fruits and herbs.
recommended dose of calories every day is only 600, which is provided
by eating low-scale vegetables like carrots, beets, radishes,
cauliflower, broccoli, cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. You also need low-sugar fruits like apples, grapefruit or blueberries next to vegetables. Vegetables should be eaten raw preferably in the form of juices, salads or salads. Do not forget to drink 2-3 liters of liquids – water, vegetable and fruit cocktails, herbal teas, juices.
I must admit that for the first time I used the diet of dr Dąbrowska. I
have read a lot about it, a few people from my surroundings highly
praised the treatment, which many of them brought great benefits. They were right, it’s worth it! However,
one must remember that the first stage, especially for coffee lovers
(and I love delicious coffee in the morning or a beloved book) is
difficult. A necessary condition to cleanse the body is to completely discontinue the coffee. I had a total coffee freak problem with it. I still wanted to reach for a cup of my beloved drink. However,
I practiced strong free and succeeded 🙂 However, leaving the coffee
and fasting on the very first day had a negative effect on me. My head started to ache. The pain was unbearable. Because of that I became a bit unbearable;) and weakened. That was until the third day of the treatment, when my body quickly
prepared for further diet, and I slowly began to feel a surge of energy.
After two weeks, i.e. at the end of my cleansing phase, I clearly felt that my body was functioning better. I did not feel tired, I slept better, I was more willing to get up and I did my daily activities much more quickly. You must remember that despite the fact that I consumed only 600 calories a day, I did not give up visits to the gym. I still practiced, I gave myself a squeeze to get an even better effect and it paid off! After this time I could go to the second stage of the treatment. I
could change my eating habits, which during the first stage were so
deeply rooted in my everyday life that I stopped treating them as
coercion. On the contrary, they have become a great pleasure. After
the period of purification, I could introduce new products like cereal,
grains or nuts, which enriched my daily meals and added even more
positive energy. Revelation!
to the meals delivered in boxes, I had all the ingredients that were
needed to clean and preserve the vegetable and fruit fast. Without them, I would probably be tempted by unacceptable ingredients;) Thank you Juicy Jar that I gave advice! Without you it would not be possible!