Postrzeganie siebie samej to klucz do naszych sukcesów lub porażek. Jeśli nie czujemy się dobrze we własnym ciele, budujemy wewnętrznie obraz siebie jako osoby słabej, o niskim poziomie samooceny, nigdy nie będziemy silne. Dlatego tak ważne jest, aby zacząć doceniać siebie, spojrzeć na siebie inaczej, a na pewno nasze życie się zmieni!
Perceiving yourself is the key to our successes or failures. If
we don’t feel good in our own body, we build an inner image of
ourselves as a weak person with a low level of self-esteem, we”ll
never be strong. That’s why it’s so important to start appreciating yourself, look at yourself differently, and for sure our lives will change!
How we perceive ourselves affects our behavior as well as our whole life. Who
of us didn’t have a moment of doubt, thought that he was unable to
perform certain tasks because he has no predisposition or knowledge? Well … And so the power is in us. In how we perceive ourselves, whether in our subconscious we consider
ourselves as organized, intelligent people that can cope with every
problem or just the opposite.
Each of us has a time in which we want to quit everything. We think, why do I do it, it doesn’t make sense! You don’t even know how many times I’ve had such thoughts. However, I’ve learned to believe in myself, in my skills. I’ve learned to overcome my weaknesses (believe me, it is not enough) and it gave me strength!
You can change the perception of yourself. I’m not saying that it will be easy, on the contrary it’s hard work. However, without introducing changes, you’ll never feel stronger! Make changes gradually and start with three basic exercises.
First, check what your conviction about beauty is. We often see ourselves through the eyes of others. This is one erroneous action because others can create a false image and create a different reality. If we look at ourselves critically, but with our own eyes we can easily change the perception of ourselves. List three elements of your appearance on the piece and three character traits that you value most. Arrange them in the hierarchy of importance. Probably the personality traits will be higher than the physical features. And very well! The
purpose of this task was to show that it isn’t the appearance that
shows strength, but what you have inside is how you behave. Remember, our interior is the most important and appearance is the secondary criterion.
The second exercise is to change our stereotypical thinking. Media create the image of an ideal man – always beautifully dressed and in great condition. Let us not kid ourselves, each of us has a weaker day. We wake up with a headache, with dark circles under our eyes – do you know it? Work on yourself, our inside and outside of us is hard work. Therefore, write down three physical features that you like best in you and you will see that it isn’t so easy. I value my smile, eyes and shapely figure, but I could exchange a lot
🙂 That means that each of us is attractive in their own way, which
builds self-confidence?
The last exercise consists in focusing on the positives. We’re the strictest judges ourselves, but do we have to be so tortured? I think not! Let’s stop being enemies of ourselves, let’s change our perception of being more friendly. We do not have to follow others. We can work out our own way to the goal, and getting it will make us very happy!
Remember, the key to success is how you perceive and define yourself! Be happy with yourself, your smaller or bigger achievements and most importantly, do not look at others!
Love Ewa