Wiele z nas postępuje według określonego schematu.
Poranny budzik, marsz do łazienki, łyk kawy i do pracy. Tam porządna dawka stresu, coś na ząb, spotkanie ze znajomymi, powrót do domu i spać. Gdzie w tym wszystkim czas dla nas i dla naszego organizmu? Właśnie… Dlatego czas to zmienić!
Jeśli chcecie być zdrowe, silne i przede wszystkim w świetnej kondycji koniecznie musicie zmienić swoje nawyki. Musicie sobie uświadomić, że nawyki wpływają na nasze życie, jego jakość oraz przyszłe sukcesy. Jeśli małymi krokami zaczniecie zmieniać swoje przyzwyczajenia to z pewnością odniesiecie sukces!
Na jakość snu ma wpływ wiele czynników jak dieta, relaks przed snem, temperatura sypialni, to czy mamy wygodne łóżko, a przede wszystkim styl życia. Dlatego nawet na godzinę przed planowanym pójściem spać warto się wyciszyć. Bardzo pomaga włączenie ulubionej muzyki, zapalenie świec i wykonanie kilku rozluźniających ćwiczeń. Polecam też kąpiel z wykorzystaniem olejków eterycznych. To bardzo pomaga 🙂 Łatwiej jest się wyciszyć i po prostu zrelaksować.
Jest to trochę związane z tym, że trening ma przede wszystkim nam pomóc. Nie możemy codziennych ćwiczeń traktować jako obowiązku. Robimy to dla siebie, a nie dla innych. Jeśli nie lubisz treningów na siłowni, poszukaj innych dyscyplin. Jest ich tak wiele, a każde przynosi wiele dobrego. Ja od zawsze kochałam taniec i on przynosi mi najwięcej szczęścia. Znalazłam jednak w fitnessie kolejną odskocznię od codziennych obowiązków i uwielbiam ćwiczyć. Robię to przede wszystkim dla siebie i dla swojego ciała, aby było zdrowe i jak najdłużej piękne 🙂
Love, Ewa
Many of us follow a certain pattern. A morning alarm clock, a walk to the bathroom, a sip of coffee and work. There, a good dose of stress, something for a tooth, meeting friends, going back home and sleeping. Where is time for us and for our body in all? That’s why it’s time to change it!
If you want to be healthy, strong and above all in a great condition, you must change your habits. You must realize that habits affect our lives, quality and future successes. If you start changing your habits in small steps, you will definitely succeed!Changing habits is a very hard job. I know something about it 🙂 But it’s worth working on yourself. There is nothing more constructive than achieving the intended goals. A healthy body, a better frame of mind and being fit are the components of a successful woman. Therefore, be sure to work on a few changes and you will not regret it!
1. Take care of your diet
It is very important to eat healthy and provide the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals. Breakfast is a strong foundation of every day. Unfortunately, in a hurry, we often forget about it, bu remember it gives us strength sometimes for the whole day. Therefore, before leaving the house, try to eat cereal or porridge. All
you need to do is eat porridge with coconut milk in the evening, and in
the morning you will add your favorite fruit and a delicious breakfast
ready! Try to eat as much vegetables as possible. Just a sliced pepper or carrot, hummus to provide the body with the necessary ingredients.
2. Drink a lot of water
Water should be drunk regularly and at least 1.5 liters per day. This will help you to maintain not only a beautiful figure, but skin moisturized and firm skin. It is worth having at least a bottle of water with you and if you just catch your thirst, just drink. During my trainings I always have water with me that helps me quench my thirst and cool my body during exercise.
3. Try to calm down at bedtime
Sleep affects the proper functioning of the body. Thanks to it we have every day energy to act and we are full of vital energy. Lack of sleep can affect the reduction of our physical and intellectual activity, and even accelerate the aging process. That is why it is so important to take care of a good night’s sleep.The
quality of sleep is influenced by many factors such as diet, relaxation
at bedtime, bedroom temperature, whether if we have a comfortable bed, and
above all, a lifestyle. Therefore, even an hour before you plan to go to sleep, it is worth mute. It helps to incorporate your favorite music, lighting candles and making a few loose exercises. I also recommend bathing with the use of essential oils. It helps a lot 🙂 It’s easier to calm down and relax.
4. Remember you don’t have to, just do for yourself!
Remember not to make any changes against yourself. You must be sure that you want to change your habits. You do it only for yourself, for your health and healthy figure. Don’t follow the opinion of others, their directions. Make all your changes at your own pace and to your best. Remember that any change to the good side will help to improve your health!
5. Change the attitude to the workout
It’s a bit related to the fact that the training is primarily to help us. We can’t treat everyday exercises as a duty. We do it for ourselves and not for others. If you don’t like gym training, look for other disciplines. There are so many of them, and each brings a lot of happiness. I’ve always loved dancing and it brings me a lot of endorfins. However, I found another stepping stone in my fitness from everyday duties and I love to practice it. I do it primarily for myself and for my body so that it is healthy and beautiful for as long as possible 🙂