Love Travel. Podróże zawsze towarzyszyły moim występom tanecznym i były wpisane w regularny tryb mojego życia. Co tydzień lądowałam w innym kraju z walizką pełną sukni tanecznych oraz jedzenia 🙂 (nie było nas wówczas stać na odwiedzanie restauracji), by zwojować kolejne zawody w tańcu towarzyskim. Dziś podróżuję z Rubenem i odkrywam nowe cudowne miejsca na tej ziemi.
Dlatego też chciałam Wam zaprezentować jeden z moich ostatnich projektów na Wiosnę/Lato 2016.
Całą kolekcję już niedługo będziecie mogli zobaczyć na mojej stronie internetowej, na którą już serdecznie zapraszam.
Garnitur, który wybrałam do dzisiejszego postu odzwierciedla mnie oraz moje kolorowe, pełne pasji życie. Moda, którą tworzę jest pełna barw oraz zabawnych autorskich nadruków, których pomysłodawcą jest Roberk Kuta.
Większość inspiracji czerpię ze sztuki, otaczającego nas świata, natury…. ale przede wszystkim słucham swojego serca. To ono przecież podpowiedziało mi by tańczyć i pokierowało mnie na na samą górę w sporcie, który pokochałam będąc dzieckiem.
To ono podpowiedziało mi by rozwijać swoją drugą pasję i tworzyć modę. To ono skierowało moje uczucia w stronę mojego mężczyzny, z którym wiem że spędzę resztę życia.
SERCE!Mam nadzieję, że wasze serducha też biją mocno i kierują was w życiu. Ja słucham siebie i staram się wybierać, nawet jeśli ciężką, to drogę pełną miłości.
Welcome to the river Vistula!
Recently I discovered a wonderful place that my friend Justyna took me to. As you probably already noticed Justyna Gieleta is the photographer for most of the pictures on my blog. It is thanks to her that we have now these latest beautiful images created in this romantic place by the river Vistula in Otwock. Thank you Justyna!
My passions are my life.
And there are a few things that I am passionate for. Fashion, dance, sports, healthy eating, traveling and people.
Love Dance. Dancing formed me, because of dancing I am who I am today.
Since I was 10 years old all the tournaments, travel, long hours of training, strengthened my character. As a result, I felt early on that I can fight for myself and set new goals early on in my adult life.
Love Fashion. The love for fashion developed in me when I began to design for my own dance dresses, and later for other dancers. Nowadays I have my own brand SHABATIN and I am fulfilling my new dream.
Love Body & Food. Healthy eating and sports have been a part of my life for a long time. I had little choice, after all, I was an athlete. However, thanks to new friends, e.g Kasia Wolska, with whom I regularly workout, the books I read, e.g. „The Beauty Detox Solution” by Kimberly Snyder and my beloved, who also loves sports, this helped even more to develop in me the love for a healthy and active life forever!
Love Travel. Travel always accompanied my dance performances and had to do it quite early on due to dancing on a regular basis. Every week I would land in some other country with a suitcase full of dance dresses and food 🙂 (we could not afford to eat out all the time) to participate in another ballroom dance competition. Today I often travel with Ruben to discover new wonderful places on this earth.
Love People. People inspire me, give me courage and drive. Thanks to the people who I have known for many years and those who have recently appeared in my life, I develop and get to know myself better and better. So thank you to my family, Ruben and friends that believe in me and support my actions. Rafał, Robert, Karolina, Natalia, Alesia, I love you! 🙂
Today, however, most of my time is devoted to my passion for fashion.
Therefore, I wanted to present to you one of my last projects for Spring / Summer 2016.
The entire collection will soon be available on my website, to which I already invite you to see.
The suit, which I chose for today’s post is a reflexion of myself and my colourful, passionate life. The fashion that I create is filled with colours and fun prints created by Robert Kuta
Most of the inspiration I get flows from art, the world around us, nature …. but above all, from listening from my heart. This is it, after all it did pulled me into dancing and steered me to the very top in the sport that I loved as a child.
It pushes me now to continuously develop my other passion and create my own fashion. It directed my feelings towards my man, with whom I know I will spend the rest of my life.
I hope that your little heart also beats strongly for your passions and guide you in your life. I listen to it and try to follow it, even if tough at times, it is a journey full of love.